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Tagged with "Golf Fitness"

Feb 7th, 2019 Article

How the modern golf swing is destroying our backs

Is it any coincidence that Tiger Woods – now that he's not launching himself at the ball like an angry octopus – is staying healthy on the golf course? A new study suggests this is the case...

Sep 3rd, 2018 Article

Get some Biofreeze on your golf strains

There's nothing worse than getting out on the links only for you to feel a nasty twitch or ache which is going to curtail your golf capering once more. We tried this stuff and it was like having the wind at your back. Here's the science...

Nov 9th, 2017 Article

Golf glutes fitness with Maria Verchenova

There's nothing worse than getting down the golf links and finding out your glutes are misfiring. Ask Tiger Woods, he had that trouble for years. Anyway, never fear because Maria is here and she's going to put you straighter than a Henrik Stenson 3-wood off the tee...

Nov 30th, 2016 Article

New Paige Spiranac work out video

Paige Spiranac has been down the gym, putting us all to shame. We needed a little lie down after watching this. And we still owe Gary Player 81 sit ups.....gulp. 

Oct 5th, 2016 Article

Golf & Health Project launched

The World Golf Foundation (WGF) has announced the launch of the Golf & Health Project, academically researching and highlighting how the game can benefit peoples’ lives.

Aug 8th, 2016 Article

More reasons why golf is good for you

Golf spectators may get the same health benefits as the players, in terms of longevity, physical and mental health, according to Dr Andrew Murray, a sports medicine doctor at Edinburgh University.

Oct 7th, 2015 Article

Rory McIlroy in numbers

Rory McIlroy has tweeted a couple of graphics made by Santander Spendlytics detailing his workouts for this year. He's put us all to shame. Here's how he keeps himself buff.