Dec 17th, 2015 Article
Fraud at Musselburgh
The former treasurer of the world’s fifth oldest golf club has escaped jail despite embezzling thousands of pounds from Royal Musselburgh GC.
The former treasurer of the world’s fifth oldest golf club has escaped jail despite embezzling thousands of pounds from Royal Musselburgh GC.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, before I was ever a golf punk, years before I became a sneaker head, and before I even knew what a foodie was, I was a Star Wars nerd. I’ve been waiting 34 years for what I witnessed at 12.05 this morning. Was it worth the wait?
USA Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump was dealt another blow to his already shaky golf tenure when PGA Chief Sandy Jones weighed in...
At least three more golf clubs are involved in schemes to sell off their land in order to build housing – in one case this will even result in the club shutting down.
Two more historic golf clubs have decided to end their men-only membership policies and allow women to become members for the first time. GolfPunk welcomes them into the 21st Century.
Jack Nicklaus has been in New York to accept the Muhammad Ali Legacy Award presented to him by Sports Illustrated magazine. He said he thought Woods should make sure he is healed from his back woes before returning to competition.
Golfers at the Victoria Golf Club on Vancouver Island in Canada are a pretty hardy bunch by the looks of it. Here’s a great video of some Canadian golf mentalists playing on through 100 kilometer per hour winds.
There’s a new kid in town, and his name is Joseph Garret. But by kid we meaning clothing brand specifically one for the junior golfers out there. And with people still searching for Christmas gifts, what better time to tell you about them.
The Donald has been Trumped again, this time by the Scottish legal system. In a week where his name has gone up and down like a yoyo on middle eastern billboards, this time he has lost a case against a wind farm being built off the cost of Aberdeenshire in view of his Trump International Golf Links.
At 12.05 tonight our dreams come true. Real Star Wars films, about the real Star Wars characters. Now if you're anything like us you've probably got some geeky Star Wars memorabilia. Maybe even some bits from the new film. But have you got any Star Wars golf gear? We've trawled the internet to find the places where golf and Star Wars collide.
Slow play is one of the most cited reasons why golfers have been leaving the game in recent years, so here’s a lovely little idea to encourage faster play.
We got a heads up of the new 2016 Puma apparal a little while ago when we went and got the exclusive on Alvaro Quiros signing with the cat. And we’ve not been able to say anything about it until now. Next years range is probably they’re strongest, most inclusive range Puma have ever released.