May 21st, 2017 Article
Dublin punter scoops €40,000
A Dublin punter got lucky this weekend when he bagged over €40,000 from €15 worth of golf bets.
A Dublin punter got lucky this weekend when he bagged over €40,000 from €15 worth of golf bets.
Alvaro Quiros has beaten Zander Lombard in a play–off to mark a stunning return to form and win his seventh European Tour title at The Rocco Forte Open –Verdura, Sicily.
When you just can't wait for your playing partner to mark his ball...... Here's a lovely little trick shot to perk up your Sunday.
Sometimes there are hard choices to make in golf, and Jacksonville University golfer David was faced with one of them. He could either take a two shot penalty or go for a swim.
A man who beached his Maserati sports car decided to start playing golf on the shore as he waited for the police to arrive.
A collie has saved her golfing owner a small fortune after finding 51,000 used balls over the last 12 years.
In Camden County, New Jersey, recovering drug and alcohol addicts have been using golf to help them battle their demons.
A massive python was captured on video as it made its way across a golf course in Zimbali, South Africa. This could seriously put you off your game! And any thoughts of looking for lost balls in the rough.....
A golfer on the 18th at Sawgrass takes out a bird off the tee!
"They were the size of golf balls!". Yes of course they were. The hail that is. Except, in this case, they actually were. The size of golf balls. The hail...
There's something quite gratifying about seeing people do things stupider than you've done. Or have they?....
Some things are just meant to be. This dude just had to attempt an extremely ambitious water shot. And he just had to do this...