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Oct 19th, 2015
A Quick Livener #AQL
Your Monday Morning Catch Up
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images
Helping The Gravy This Weekend Were...
(Click the links for more on each story)
Andy Sullivan for tearing the field to shreds at The Portugal Masters.
Helping The Whopping-Nine-Shot-Victory Gravy
Andy Sullivan: What's He Like? Takes GP Biscuit Tin Challenge
Andy Sullivan Romps Home To Win Portugal Masters
Local golf courses for being local (and golf courses).
Helping The I-Just-Played-My-First-Round-For-Ages Gravy!
Haywards Heath Golf Club: A local golf course
Pitch & Putt NOT Ditch & Shut (Special Report)
Modern Family for being back on the telly.
Helping The Monday-Night-Capering Gravy!
Phil Dunphy funniest moments
Lexi for winning the Keb-Hana Bank Championship in a star studded field.
Helping The Swingin-Siren-Topping-The-Leaderboard Gravy!
Get in! Lexi wins a lovely wooden rabbit without any facial features
Exclusive GolfPunk Shoot: Lexi Thompson Swingin' Siren
Gunnar at Oscar Jacobson for showing us round their swanky showroom which is in fact an old stables in the West End of Giddy London.
Helping The Fancy-New-Range-Of-Golf-Clothes-Including-A-Rather-Fetching-Tweed-Jacket-That-We've-Got-Our-Eye-On Gravy!
Argentinian Emilliano Grillo for getting his first PGA Tour win the Frys.com Open.
Helping The We'd-Never-Heard-Of-Him-Either Gravy!
Bunching Arse this weekend were...
Bloody cats who turn their poncey noses up at the food they're given.
Bunch Of What-Were-You-Expecting-A-Bloody-Fillet-Steak-&-A-Glass-Of-Chateau-Neuf-De-Bloody-Pap? Arse!
Massimo Cellino
Bunch Of Clear-Off-You-Mentalist-You're-Destroying-A-Once-Fine-Football-Club Arse!
Fantasy League Golf teams that collectively miss the cut left, right & centre.
Bunch Of I-Really-Shouldn't-Pick-Players-Based-On-Their-Amusing-Surnames Arse!
Wives who put your lucky hole-in-one golf ball 'somewhere safe' and then forget where they put it.
Bunch Of I-Will-Only-Ever-Get-One-Hole-In-One-In-My-Life-And-While-We're-At-It-Where-Have-You-Hidden-My-Lucky-Six-Iron? Arse!
Watch – Ace Ace Baby: The European Tour Best Holes In One